Gundren Rockseeker Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Gundren Rockseeker

The oldest of the Rockseeker brothers, he led the expedition to find and reclaim the Forge of Souls near Phandalin. Gundren is a descendant of the family that build the Forge originally, the Silverstones. As such, he and his brothers felt a duty to rediscover it in the name of their family. He hired the party in Neverwinter to escort some mining supplies to Phandalin, but they ended up becoming his rescuers and friends.   When Gundren was traveling to Phandalin, he was ambushed by goblins at the command of Nezznar who was searching for the forge himself. He was kidnapped, tortured, and dragged to Cragmaw Castle where he was eventually rescued by the party.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1287 DR 114 Years old