Northwest faerûn Opening of the Forge of Spells

Opening of the Forge of Spells

Discovery, Exploration


The party uses the dwarven rune stones to open the Forge of Spells with Gundren Rockseeker and sets off back to Neverwinter to ask for help to be sent to secure the forge and Phandalin.

The party makes preparations to speak with the corpse of Harbin Wester, but they ultimately find out little of value: Harbin didn't know his attacker and the only person he can think would want to help Iarno is the Black Spider, but the party already killed him.   The party retrieves the rune stone from Sildar in preparation to go unlock the Forge of Spells.   While the rest of the party goes to meet with Gundren and Nundro to continue on, Reginald and Garret head to the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. They meet with Halia and Reginald purchases some diamonds from her, while Garret purchases a necklace. Trinn identifies the necklace and sees that it has magical properties, raising some suspicion about Garret and Halia's relationship and concerns about possible negative effects. Garret gives the necklace to Marri'Elle.   They make their way to the Forge of Spells, and insert the rune stones into the door. It opens to reveal a Spectator; a large, floating eye ball with four long eye stalks. Gundren reveals himself to be a descendant of the Silverstone family and the spectator introduces himself as Xax. Through their conversation, it's apparent Xax does not have all of his faculties. Gundren goes to dismiss him, but Trinn convinces him that he may be useful.   Inside the forge, one magical item remains: a pair of bracers with the symbol of Valamin's monastery on them.   Gundren, Nundro, and the party head back to Phandalin to tell Sildar the news. When they arrive, Sildar gives the party 1000 gold pieces for all the work they've done for the town, and Gundren offers them 5% of the mine's profits each month.

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