Bullet Party

A bullet party is a MF prebattle tradition. Within virtual AI have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with new weaponry hypothesize enemy tactics and rehearse attack plans and contingencies. It is also meant to prepare AI resolve in the often undesired task of taking a life. These rehersals were initially practiced in preparation of an EMC retaliatory attack following the Mercury Faction Accords. Despite Mercury faction having not had a war in 300 years, numerous simulations have been hosted. These occasions are awesome filled with laughter and roars as United the synth all but mock human the notions of mortality.   The term bullet party derives from the most popular of these simulations, in which an AI personally pilots the projectile into the path of their target. These projectiles are typically fired by massive railguns mounted on The Ring; rails being favored for their ability to penetrate Central Alliance energy shields. These rails are fired at immense velocities while the AI operates the rear adjustment thrusters from within the projectile. AI that pilot these projectiles are nicknamed "bullets". In VR they operate these projectiles personally but in actual combat they install copies of themselves into each projectile. AI being able to replicate themselves, are able upload as many copies of themselves into the rails during actual combat. This technique prevents predictable firing patterns and ensures the acquisition of the target in the earliest phase of an attack.   MF ops often begin with theorizing tactics for infiltration of central system facilities within VR; which later become replayed by synth for amusement sake. Battle plans exist for series the spires, the shell, Mars and every orbital station and battlecruiser within the system. In addition to theoretical simulations for events such as space bound asteroids and solar pulses, AI have written numerous programs such as dragon armies and cthulu.   As of late these games are played in a different spirit as mercury faction prepares for the first time in 300 years for the realistic assault by the Central System Alliance.


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