
From his own account, Doryu was the first life form to ever set foot on Pluto. It's rumoured he left the Earth during Exodus, but instead of joining the colonial effort on the moons of Jupiter, he continued on alone. After years of isolation in space, he finally landed on the dark ice of Pluto. It is not known for how long he chose to reside here. From Pluto, Doryu looked back on the system, and resented the shortsitedness of it's occupants.  
"Planets like hives of unwitting insects, all struggling to devour eachother. Their ignorance keeps me isolated. My isolation keeps them alive." --Doryu quoted from captured mercenary during whitebox interrogation
  The first authentic account of Doryu's return didn't surface until 600 years after Exodus, when he arrived at Mercury Faction. The Ring had become a safe haven for synth, and Doryu was welcomed as a refugee, though he later admitted he was never as such. After a hasty departure from the Ring, his name has resurfaced in dark corners of the central system. Despite high bounties offered by both Mercury and Rogue Faction, he remains undsicovered.   Some have debated that Doryu is not an individual, but a cover name commonly used by mercs to obscure their operations. This notion is supported by conflicting accounts of Doryu being on different planets within time periods too narrow to permit space travel between locations. A counter argument is that Doryu has replicated himself into multiple platforms; a practice not unheard of, but commonly avoided due to the higher rate of integrity loss over time.   Doryu has been accredited with numerous murders; his victims identifiable by their unique injuries which suggest the use of weaponized nanomachines. Mercury Faction affirms it was Doryu who carried out the assassination attempt on Alex during the ceremonial launch of Remembrance. His motives for this, like so much else of his character, remains unknown.


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