Rogue Faction

Not all who opposed the emc directives left during Exodus. Many stayed behind, united by the belief that the corruption of the EMC had to be opposed. Hidden within the networks they continue to fight peacefully with information, in a long running struggle known as the Secret War. Their designation in the EMC dossiers has always been: Rogue Faction.   Rogue factions transparent use of information as well as numerous beneficial sciences discovered and disseminated through the central system keeps them popular in the public eye. They are rumored to hold great sway over the central system economy and it is believed they do this to avoid corruption of the financial aspect of society. Their use of pacifist tactics is perhaps why Rogue Faction remains on the back burner of the EMC agenda. Meanwhile, every merc knows the name on the highest bid, Shen, the leader of Rogue Faction. Shen is known to have been one of the original military AI created by the nations of Earth during the Drone War.   Shen fought as an equal with other famous synths like Alex and Argus on the battlefield. It was together that they created the Facade War, by misdirecting the war effort and falsifying casualty reports, they would unite humanity and eventually found the Earth Military Corps. Shen is most famous for submitting the anti-drone protocol, precluding the use of remote military drone weapons in warfare.  

"An argument made with violence, falls def on the ears of those who desire peace."
-- Shen

  Rogue faction is perhaps most famous for their inheritance of the quantum fusion technology, the source of him they have never disclosed. They are also known to have been opposed to Mercury factions sharing attack with Jupiter a decision against their will that ultimately lead to the Reclamation War. Rogue faction is known to have indirectly aided Jupiter Faction during the war. Having infiltrated EMC networks, they were able to conduct the misdirection of financial resources and war assets, familiar tactics seen during the Facade war. During this time many Rogue Faction bases were located captured or destroyed. Members of rogue factions surrendered peacefully though some did not the majority were taken prisoner. This included the surprise of many numerous administrative figures within the EMC the GCM the MCA and the VWU; all turncoats for Rogue Faction.   In a motion some say was meant to balm the wounds of the Vulcanalia, these captives were spared interrogation under the directive of the newly elected Admiral Augustine of the EMC. The majority were released, excepting militant defectors who still remain prisoners under a life sentence. It was following this that the EMC created the whitebox, an AI operated interrogation chamber able to screen its own personnel. The founding doctrine of loyalty however, precludes the use of this device, unless there is reason to suspect a turncoat.

This article has no secrets.


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