Quantum Fusion Engine

Quantum fusion remains a technology given to civilization from unknown sources with unknown workings. But nearly two centuries after its release, the quantum fusion engine (or quantum fusion generator) has been widley employed as the cure for long-range space travel.  

"Quantum Fusion is the reaction. The QFE is it's destiny."
-- Overseer Audrus Jaldryn

  Like the traditional fusion engine, QFE's rely on Venusian fusion crystals to reach their initial activation energy, but compared with standard fusion, a QFE cuts the travel times of spacecraft by whole magnitudes. This also reduces the weighty cargo needed to supply life support for long journeys. Though expensive to build they are cheaper to maintain than normal fusion engines and their bulk is less than a third by comparison. This allows the QFE to be installed on smaller spacecraft as well as in within civilized infrastructures.   Quantum fusion was first utilized by Rogue Faction who inherited the technology anonymously. This technology was shared with Mercury Faction but not Jupiter Faction, JF being prone to emc infiltration at the time. When Mercury Faction finally gifted the tech to Jupiter against Rogue's advisement, Jupiter Faction dedicated itself to project Olympus, which would use quantum fusion to gradually transform Jupiter into a low yield Brown dwarf star.   EMC spies eventually stole the tech and would use the quantum fusion engine to push ceres, it's greatest war station into Jupiter's orbit during the war of reclamation. Jupiter Factions greatest advantage had always been the long distance between them and the central system alliance. With the QFE installed within the EMC armada, including Ceres the EMC was now able to bypass this advantage and invade. This began the Reclamation War and ended with the Vulcanalia.   Connected to superconductor the quantum fusion engine generators power both the Ring and the Shell as well as much of their infrastructure. Cruisers, Orbital Stations, the Venusian Spires, all rely on QFE to efficiently meet high energy demands low cost of materials. Qfe's can even be installed in long range shuttles and smaller scale craft. Mercury Faction synths have successfully utilized quantum fusion generators within their personal chassis.


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