
The first obstacle for any invading force, Rooks are orbital defense platforms that take the shape of an X or cross. At each of their four ends are powerful thrusters allowing the platform to strafe around whatever planet or body of gravity they are anchored to. The burden of a Rook is to have sufficient armour so as to withstand incoming enemy fire. They have powerful energy shields are slated to aid deflection, however planetary scale weaponry will not be haulted by a Rook with noble intentions. With that in mind; these platforms are a fundament of defense in the decelleration phase enemy incomming. Rooks operate as deployment carriers for Jaculus fighters, and boast heavy guns located adjacent the thrusters.   Rooks were invented by Jupiter Faction in the 25th century; when tensions with the new regime of the EMC threatened to someday blossom into war. JF Rooks deploy Aculus fighters along the neck of their anatomy, once launched a Jaculus may return to its home Rook, or land in a different Rook for a moment of respite before tactifully returning to an ongoing engagement. Both the Rooks and the Jaculus utilize soma to perform Vulcan Meditiation, allowing the pilots and crew to reduce apparent G force during maneuvers.   The EMC released their own model, Sentinels, which guarded the earth for 400 years without ever firing a shot. After the construction of the shell, the sentintels were reconstructed for planetary invasion. At the open of the Reclamation War, they were soundly defeated by the JF Rooks. While the Rooks were ultimately overpowered when Ceres entered the combat theater; their early success of against the EMC reclamation force is well remembered.

The virtue of a Rook is that it can not be used to invade.
-- Argus Thousand Eyes

Today the Rooks still guard the bodies of Jupiter. Modern JF Rooks boast a QFE, as Ceres did when they were first defeated. Additionally the central powersystem of this warcraft may now be unshielded to deliver devestating plasma bursts toward any who would fail to learn from Reclamation. (Just don't tell the EMC)


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Aug 17, 2024 18:06 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's neat that you focused on the structures for this article instead of the pilots. Very unique.

Aug 17, 2024 19:38 by Will Written

:D Thank you so much!