Artusa (Ahr-too-sah)

Beacon of Hope (a.k.a. The Soulspark)


The drive within living beings to create great works of art, break the bounds ingenuity, or find inspiration to invent a new machine is instilled in the soul by Artusa, as those who hold to his patronage claim. Artusa was present at the beginning, thought to be the deity who had the idea to craft mortal beings to populate the world. As such, many believe his touch is on all beings. Artusa was the primarily patronized deity during the founding of Novus, which sought his patronage to fuel their drive for invention. However when Novus fell, many saw it as a betrayal. Artusa is considered to be a fickle god at times whose drive for creativity often ends in long con gags, but at his most benevolent he inspires the most brilliant minds to devise wise plans, cunning strategies, and intricate advancements. Artusa seeks for hope and joy to come from all ingenuity, which places him at odds with academics who seek advances for their own sake or fame. In the Council, Artusa is considered to be the most problematic because of his ties to metallurgy and dangerous science.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge, Trickery
Chaotic Good
Glowing Blue (traditional depiction)
Short spiky hair with sparks and bolts of lighting arcing through it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden/bronze (Traditional depiction
Aligned Organization