Zenith Tower


Zenith Tower the central place of worship to Artusa, in theory though in actuality the temple itself is less of a temple in the traditional sense and more of repository and workshop space for inventors and artisans. Spaces within the tower a rented to any artist or inventor looking to have not only their own space but a community of like-minded people to work on their craft with. In turn, the funds are used in the continual reconstruction of Zenith Tower, which was destroyed in the fall.

The uppermost floor of the tower contains the Torchcryst, an imortant relic to followers of Artusa. This bright gleaming crystal set in a glassed in chamber atop the tower, radiating soft golden light like a beacon at all times of the day.

Purpose / Function

Zenith Tower is a monument to ingenuity as much as it is a place for creatives or a hallowed hall of devotion. The techniques used in its construction are revolutionary, relying on the best technology available in Novus. Technology developed here in tandem with the Deerai Collective is vital to the ongoing effort to restore Novus to its former glory.


The tower is made of glass and steel, with ornate machinery on and throughout the structure. The outside of the structure has many lifts and elevators which run from its many floors. There are industrial versions of these lifts as well which haul massive machinery to various parts of the tower to continue its construction. A running gag within Novus are jokes along the lines of "before they finish Zenith Tower," a nod to the constant state of construction the Tower is in and how it is likely the construction will never end.


While the tower itself has little in the way of defenses itself, it is situated deep within the Edera District, along the pulse of several important structures, including the Deerai Collective's main headquaters, Adamant Keep, and the transportation hubs connected to Fairwind Skyport.


Zenith Tower was once the oldest and grandest structure in Novus, considered to be a monument emblematic of Novus itself. However in the fall, the tower was completely toppled and utterly destroyed. Many take this as a sign of Artusa's fickle favor and their was great reluctance to begin the reconstruction process. Only the efforts of Artusa's most fervent worshipers were able to get the projects started. By choosing to make the tower not exclusively a place of worship to Artusa, they were able to make the project open to and reliant upon the work of non-believers. Today, the overwhelming majority of occupants of Zenith Tower are not clerics or devotees to Artusa. These faithful few serve as the tower's administrators and are principally concerned with its reconstruction.


Many seek out Zenith Tower for a chance to view to see Novus through the gallery windows of its upper floors. Besides views found from the Silver Ring or above, the tower probably holds the best view of Novus. Vistors are welcomed readily here, and are encounraged to donate time or money to reconstruction efforts.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location