Copper Ring


The Copper Ring is second largest ring in Novus. The Silver Ring sits concentrically within the Copper Ring. This level is one of the largest and uppermost rings of the city. A variety of public and residential sturctures are within this level of the city, housing mostly middle to upper class elements of society. As one of the largest levels of Novus, it has many districts. The Copper Ring is largely built on elevated platforms and structures over the Bronze Ring. Throughout this level there are many open sections, some leading several levels down to allow sunlight into the The Jade Ring. These open sections can cause the line between the Copper Ring and the rings below it to feel hazy or blurred. While there are official maps and zoning ordinances that define this line, most residents of Novus define the difference between the Copper Ring and the Bronze Ring by the amount of natural sunlight they recieve. Residences in the Copper Ring and above are highly sought after as a result.

The districts of the city are as follows: