Brass Ring of Agriculture


The Brass Ring of Agriculture is the position that oversees all food production in Novus, effectively managing the industrial farming and animal husbandry that occurs on the Jade Ring.


Must possess at least fifteen years work experience within the Jade Ring at a managerial level and have commendation from two agricultural zone officials.


  • Organizes labor forces within the Jade Ring at the highest level, ensuring adequate or abundant production of necessary food stock for Novus.
  • Tasked with representing the interests of Novus's agricultural systems, advocating for Jade Ring laborers and procuring resources for these efforts.
  • Ensuring the beautifaction of Novus's natural spaces through cultivation and through careful maintainence and understanding of the complex machinery that makes agriculture in Novus possible.


As long as the Jade Ring has existed, this position has existed in some form. The position was considered to be of vital importance in the early years of post fall Novus, as it became apparent that farming outside Novus was not possible and that the city would not fly again anytime soon. Getting the Jade Ring back to a state of repair was a significant undertaking, and the bearer of the Ring of Agriculture long held a persuasive and powerful position in Novus politics to ensure that resource allocation favored these efforts. The power of this position has somewhat diminished as the Jade Ring has settled into a stable, consistently productive effort.

Cultural Significance

More often than not, the Ring of Agriculture has been held by an avid believer in Ezrithel. This is rooted in notion that the Wellspring is the one responsible for the unexplainable productivity of the Jade Ring. This being the case, the bearer of the Ring of Agriculture as often also been a prominent member of The Council of the Hallowed Abbey or at the very least enjoyed a close relationship with the religious institution. Many think of the bearer of the Ring of Agriculture firmly in the pocket of the Council, suspecting corruption. Others latch a hope of restoring Novus's purity and piety by having such an esteemed religious person in a position of power. While being a believer in Ezrithel, or any deity for that matter, is not a requirement for the position, many citizens have taken it to be the case, voting for such a candidate for fear that voting against them could reduce the favor of Ezrithel on the production of the Jade Ring.

Because the position is of prime importance to the Jade Ring, many people refer to the bearer of the Ring of Agriculture as holding the Jade Ring themselves, a shorthand that displays the significance of the position itself.

Form of Address
Source of Authority
Elected Position
Length of Term
10 years
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