Brass Ring of Practical Arcanum


The Brass Ring of Practical Arcanum is one of the seven council level positions within the Brass Ring of Novus. It is a position tasked with the oversight and proper implementation of all things magical in Novus.


Must be a practiced user of magic, meeting or exceeding a rubric of arcane competency developed in partnership with the Deerai Collective.


  • Oversight and mantainence of raw Ether flows, wards, enchantments, and arcane devices within Novus
  • Research, development, and implementation of enchantments, magical knowledge, and arcane devices in the service of Novus and reconstruction
  • Ensures and polices use of magic within Novus to be restricted to practical use, especially by public office holders and institutions -- ensuring dangerous magic is not utilized.


A concern about magic and its rule in society has existed since the fall -- an attitude cultivated principally by The Council of the Hallowed Abbey who believe that the fall was due to an arrogance, a judgement from the gods for seeking to usurp or unseat their power through the use of magic. To these people, paranoia about magic and its use in Novus will always be an issue. At one point early in Novus's post fall history, mages were persecuted and murdered under these superstitions. To put an end to the senseless violence, the Brass Ring of Practical Arcanum was forged, ensuring the protection of mages, but also that magic be wielded safely and resposibly.

Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Elected position
Length of Term
20 years
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