Demisoth (Dem-ih-sawth)

Feintmaster of the Warplane (a.k.a. The Observer)


History books speak of great battles that played out on expansive battlefields between nations, cities, and powers. The era of such wars is largely over, pointed towards a war for survival. Demisoth was considered to be the originator of all tacticians’ minds — who could overlook a battlefield and know the exact way to carve a path to victory. Demisoth is largely considered the most cunning of the gods, tricking them for the sake of proving his intellect and asserting himself. A favorite gambit of his was using lit beacons to draw attention of his enemies off of masterful feints. As long a mortaldom remains contained within Novus, Demisoth’s cunning mind is thought to be the force behind every skillful defender or general and is therefore considered informally to be the patron saint of the Brass Spears of Novus. Clerics of Demisoth patrol Novus’s walls to administer blessings to the soldiers who defend it and to shore up magical wards. Demisoth is considered benevolent for the protection provided by his keen mind, but carries a ruthless and merciless streak that is will to sacrifice dozens or even hundreds if it means saving thousands.


Places of Worship

Divine Domains

War, Light, Trickery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations