Sunhollow District


The Sunhollow District is one the outer districts of the Bronze Ring, situated underneath a carved out portion from the Copper Ring, allowing ample, untainted sunlight in to the ring. The Sunhollow District is notably brighter and with fresher air, making it perhaps the most desirable place to live within the Bronze Ring, separated from the factories, forges, and industry from other sections of the city.

The Sunhollow District is home to the Regnate's Gate, an entry gate that leads to ground level outside the city. This gate is most commonly used by Adamantine Wayfinders beginning new expeditions to the Outer Wilds, or by citizens taking part in risky efforts to settle and farm the plateau lands just outside the city. This gate is the focal point of the district, leading directly to Jerrec's Causway, and important thoroughfare throughout the Bronze Ring.

The Sunhollow District is home to Ordanus Paxhold, the main training facility for the Brass Spears of Novus and a central office for all public facing elements of their functions, including recruitment and policing.

Because of the presence of both the Wayfinders and the Spears, the citizenry here is exposed to the tensions that exist between both militaristic orders, with many public rallies for support (for both sides) being held here.

The Sunhollow District seeks to be a quiet peaceful place, a notable reprieve from the fast-paced life in the Bronze Ring, and the wider concerns of Novus. People who live here work hard to gain and keep and residence here, as it is without a doubt the best place to live on the ring. While you will not find gardens or parks as you would find on other rings, the Sunhollow district has cultivated many fine public spaces -- such as meeting halls, community centers, and public recreation spaces.

The Sunhollow Distric is home to shrines to Kiyoh and Bregoure, and also hosts the Holy Armory (a temple to Demisoth) which serves as the civilian sector's primary place of worship to the Observer.


The Sunhollow district is largely a residential district. There is notably a hight density of elves and humans who live here compared to other sections of the Bronze Ring. This demographic split its believed to be due to the notion that dwarves, orcs, goblins, and similar races are more naturally suited to living in lower light environments, while humans, elves, and similar races are more desiring of light and proximity to nature. The truth may be that since many dwarves and golblins work in the mines of the Iron Ring, they choose to live in the Dust District, not travelling as far for their daily commute.

Industry & Trade

A vibrant market exists within the Sunhollow District, not only essentials are vended but craftsmen wares are sold. Enterprising novice gadgeteers and artificers sell inventions here, hoping to gain attention that can help them advance in the guilds or even gain a position within reconstruction efforts.