
Elves in Novus

Elves are probably the oldest and most revered races in Novus. Elves pushed the great innovations of magic and society. Ancient Sorati was an elven city.

Before the fall, elves were long lived and nearly ageless. Is is not certain why, but the fall seems to have stripped this trait from the elves, with the oldest elves living about two hundred years. Those elves that were older than this when the fall occurred rapidly aged and soon died due to natural causes. Because of this, much pre-fall elven culture is gone.

Varieties of Elves

While elven subcultures such as High Elves, Wood Elves, and Drow still exist, their significance as a distinction to life in Novus is non-existent. Elves who are devoted to keeping alive elven culture do so regardless of their origin.

Still, whether because natural biology or some sociological factor, greater concentrations of Wood Elves can be found in the Jade Ring as agricultural workers and likewise communities of Drow have formed within the Iron Ring and Earthen Ring, establishing some of the longest lasting and most intricate subterranean communities. High Elf aristocracy are still quite prevalent in the Silver Ring and many of them are committed to restoration efforts.

Race Relations

Even to this day, many suspect elven arrogance to be behind the factors of the fall, even though there is little to support this claim. Tension have remained between elves and dwarves as a natural extension of an age old feud. Some elves detest human influence.

Feykin are conflicted on whether or not elves are included in their understanding of what a fey creature is. There are some elves in Hollow, though these can trace their lineage to elven communities of the Fey Realm, or even shadow fey.