Ironworkers Guild


The Ironworkers Guild represents and manages the workers of the Foundry District of the Bronze Ring. It oversees the refining and production of raw ores mined from underneath Novus and that the materials are delivered in a workable state for industry of all kinds within Novus. It is the overseeing faction of the Foundry District and its leadership is helmed by a group of industry captains who manage factories and industrial smithies officially owned by members of Novus's aristocracy.

Much like the other guilds within Novus, the intertwining in politics is part and parcel for the guild -- in theory working to advance and advocate for the works in the industrial smithing trade. Membership is not granted to most rank easily, with workers required to display a degree of proficiency in the smithing trade before being granted membership or advancing through its various levels. This fives the impression that the guild is a meritocracy, however the most senior members of the guild ensure that decisionmmaking within the guild is kpet securely at the highest levels.

Perhaps more so than the other guilds, the Ironworkers Guild is most interested in maintaing a sense of equilibrium. Their services are required for both the Stonehewers Guild and the Gearworkers Guild, as well as deeply necessary to anyone interested in reconstruction. As such, when the guilds coordinate together, it is likely that the Ironworkers Guild had a had in coordinating an alliance at some point.