Foundry District


The Foundry District of the Bronze Ringis devoted to the refining of raw materials from the Dust District into usable materials for the city. It is a massive sprawl of giant smelters, ore processing plants, warehouses, and constuction yards. The Foundry District bleeds seamlessly into the Fabricators District, with a number of factorties in both districts. The factories produce important wares for Novus, such as replacement panels for the Bulwark Ring, weapons for the Brass Spears of Novus, and most importantly parts and components for the ongoing reconstruction efforts.

The Foundry District was severely damaged in the fall, with many of the reconstruction efforts happening here amongst shattered structures from ancient Novus. Slowly, these buildings are being rebuilt or demolished to make room for more factories. The machinery of the Foundry District is always running, causing a deep echoing clamour to resound at all hours. While the Foundry District has many residential areas, most of the residents here are among the poorest in Novus, unable to afford housing in more desirable locations

The air within the Foundry District is noticably thicker, hotter and of lower quality. Coupled with the noise, a non resident of the district may find it difficult to acclimatize to this area.

The Foundry District contains a number of industrial lifts that carry materials to the Copper Ring or down to the Iron Ring, often being used for field crafting in reconstruction efforts of the Mekanos Infinitum. The great forges of the Foundry District run off of skillful enchantments, supplied to run in perpetuity with the largest industrial lines of raw Ether in Novus.

Most of the citizens here are engaged in work related to the industries here. The Foundry District is also home to the Daskatile Forge Forge (a temple to Tsukitae) and the Hall of Urns(a temple to Sarconis)


The Foundry District has a large population of dwarves and Gearforged. The Gearforged who live here believe that the Foudry District bears some significance for the creation of the Gearforged. May gearforged have petitioned the Brass Ring of Novus for special dispensation to cease the foundries to allow a proper examination and archaelogical study of the gearforged origins. In doing so, they home to find a method that could lead to the creation of more gearforged. Unfortunately, these efforts have gone unanswered as constant production has become a deeply rooted necessity in Novus. This is one of the many reasons for unrest within gearforged communities.

Industry & Trade

Iron, steel, copper, various alloys, and metals of all kinds are refined here for use all throughout Novus. Smithies, both in a smaller artisan or independent scale or on a large industrial scale, are common place here. Various crafters compete to produce the best forged armor, weapons, and other goods within Novus.
Included Locations