
The Chasm


Kasm is an evil deity of Vespala, directly opposed Aylus, Bregoure, and Mesmer. Legends state that a tear between realms is the resting place of Kasm, a deity devoted to expanding this tear despite the effects it may have on the planes and worlds in may tear through. Because of this, Kasm is almost always referred to as "The Chasm", as there is little difference between the deity and the swirling forces of chaos it creates. Kasm is seen as the embodiment of chaos and is the scapegoat for anytime the world behaves antithetical to a percieved order. Many people colloquially with say "curse The Chasm" or other such idioms when they become aware of another's misfortune.

Many people live as if Kasm is not an actual deity of evil, but cultists devoted to Kasm seek to weaken the barrier between their plane to The Chasm. The results of such a breach are terrifying, as forces of chaos rend apart the fabric of reality itself.

The Seal of Kasm - a sign used by seekers of The Chasm in various invocations
