Kiyoh (Kee-yoh)

Kiss of Life (a.k.a. The Ivory Maiden)


Hardship is a fact of life for the people of Novus. Tenderness and kindness for others should be the response, as modeled by the Ivory Maiden. Kiyoh the last to guide unborn souls to life, granting them a kiss of tenderness that shows them the kindness she wishes for them to find. All living things bear the kiss of life from Kiyoh and according to her followers, those who possess magical gifts bear the mark of that kiss more strongly. When a soul passes from life to death, it is Kiyoh who greets the dead. She is a maiden in every sense, untouched from suffering, toil, or hardship as well as every delight a mortal can experience. For this reason, Kiyoh is deeply curious about the lives of mortals, seeking to be regaled with stories for their lives or to hear bits of wisdom or knowledge that they have acquired during life. The walk with Kiyoh to the afterlife is something all can look forward to — the experience of having a captive audience and the most understanding listener to ease you into your own death.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Grave, Life, Knowledge
Neutral Good
Pale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization