Ivory Chapel


The Ivory Chapel is the grand, central place of worship to Kiyoh. It is a structure with much history, left untouched and undamaged by the fall. It is a place for quiet contemplation as much as it is a place for finding communion with Kiyoh.

Purpose / Function

As the grand cathedral to Kiyoh, it is central to her worship. The cathedral is home to several reflecting pools for religious contemplation and meditation, everblooming gardens filled with delicate flowers, and somber quiet spaces away from the noise and confusion of Novus. The Ivory Chapel is noted for its immeasurable beauty and is a coveted site for lavish wedding ceremonies. On the other end of the spectrum, considering Kiyoh's connections to death and the afterlife, many funerals for honored figures are held here. The cathedral is also connected to several medical service structures on the grounds, including a convalescent home, hospice, & small hospital. These services are maintained by the most devout followers of Kiyoh who make vows of chastity to maintain a vestal state as the goddes they follow. A cloistered monastery with separate services and accommodations for male and female followers exists on the groups. These nuns and monks are highly regarded as civil servants but also have the reputation for being highly dogmatic on their beliefs about bodily purity.


The cathedral is built from a very pure variety of white marble, with nearly every surface polished and gleaming. There are massive gothic facades to most of the walls, lined with frosted glass. These windows allow in a gently, warm, diffuse light within the cathedrals halls. Beautiful glass mosaics are set into place at various places throughout the structure. The grounds that enclose the cathedral and its many auxiliary buildings are made similiarly to the structure itself. This can lend to a notion that the cathedral is prickly, but the grand vistas of her buttressed walls and gleaming sharp pitched roof tops lend a stately and breathtaking sense to the cathedral.


The Ivory Chapel was one of a few strucutres within Novus the sustained no damage in the fall. However much of the building's contents were entirely ravaged in the calamity. As a result, there is some ambiguity of which god the temple was originally built to. Followers of Kiyoh were able to convince The Council of the Hallowed Abbey that the structure was almost certainly protected by Kiyoh who created an unadulterated place for her to find communion with her followers. To this day, many find the Council's ruling to be frustrating. Notably, followers of Ordonda, Mazarathes, and Sarconis have each made case for the temple's ownership belonging to their respective god. Even if none of these dissenters are correct, their is a growing contingent of people who believe the matter may be worth investigating as a temple housing worship to the wrong god may bring about the sort of cosmic ire that the Council believes led to the fall in the first place.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location