N’gamba Exyl (Nuh-gam-but Ehx-eel)

Bearer of the Brass Ring of Bulwarks


Novus’s defenses are perhaps the most dependable machine in the city. Turrets, weapons, arcane wards and much more encircle the city at multiple layers, all administered by the Brass Spears of Novus, the official military defensive force of the city. Exyl is a retired commander from this wall, a hero in his own right, earned from years of service. Exyl sees the only competent authority in the city as the Brass Spears and is willing to leverage the power of his position to dissolve the Brass Ring and advocate for martial law. While pushing for this end, he has colluded with other members of the Ring to acquire more strength and support for the Brass Spears. He envisions a world order of rigid control and authority with himself and a small select few at the top, all in the name of a continued existence for society.

Exyl is thought to be a follower Demisoth, though he has never made any public statements of his faith. His tenure within the Brass Spears saw an increased mingling of clerics and paladins from Demisoth with the rank and file of the Brass Spears.

N'gamba Exyl's miniature

Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ringbearer - Ring of Bulwarks
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red scales
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations