Naltyr (Nawl-teer)

Songstress of the Wilds (a.k.a. The Wisperwind)


Beyond Novus, a song is sung, winding notes through the wind. This song is sung by Naltyr, but it is not a song crafted for mortals. It is an aria to sooth the lonesome hearts of nature. Plants and animals alone in the world, fleeing or shrouded in miasma, Naltyr’s song nourishes the natural world and sings in melodies that only those deeply connected to nature can truly understand. Naltyr’s song is carried on the wind and can therefore be very hard to hear within the walls of Novus. As a result, she is primarily patronized by clerics within the Adamantine Wayfinders who long to hear her voice and learn secrets of the world from her song. Naltyr is not properly recognized by the Council as she is at odds with Syren, whose competing songs draw listeners to wildly different conclusions. Faith in Naltyr is not expressly outlawed but is frowned upon a result. Worshippers of Ezrithel form protective pacts with followers of Naltyr within Novus as they tend to be well suited for animal husbandry. Within the Adamantine Wayfinders, Naltyr’s clerics are most often found caring for the horses for their scouting troupes.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Nature, Tempest