Syren (Seer-in)

Song of the Void (a.k.a. The Star Queen)


Though much has changed in Novus, one constant has remained: the sky and stars. Undaunted by the miasma, the night sky remains constant. By transcending the bounds that confine Novus, Syren became the Star Queen whose throne remains deep within the void beyond. From here, above all mortal devices, Syren sings her song of wisdom and those who gaze upon her light under the night stars listen in. Syren’s worshippers seek freedom from the confines of the world, believing that faith and worship in her will light the starlit path that she once walked to freedom. This hope drives many to give up their worldly beliefs and passions to live a life unconcerned with its darkness to show hope to others and guide them to the starlit path. A death for a worshipper of Syren is considered a joyous affair as it means their soul will travel through the stars with her.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Light, Twilight, Peace
Neutral Good
Blue (traditional depiction)
Long white flowing hair, filled with stars
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skin, sometimes shown glittering like stars
Aligned Organization