
The Forgotten


The Deerai Collective recently uncovered troubling records -- long catalogued texts that had the name of a forgotten god omitted. This omission was after the formation of the Collective, yet the member of the Collective responsible for catalogueing these records could not remember these omissions being there. Methods of magical detection showed no tampering.

Yet it was certain that the alterations happened. The Collective took to calling this nameless entity Null or The Forgotten. Generally they regard this entity with fear a suspicion, and many Collective operatives have taken to meticulously journaling their experiences and findings to hopefully prevent this.

Null is acknowledged force by the Collective but they are reticent to make their findings public for fear of what hysteria it could cause. Others fear the Null could be causing more than its name to be forgotten.

Still others look to the reality bending powers at play and find an allure in such power, seeking to know the unknowable. Their pursuit leads them into darker and deeper places, even to being forgotten by the world themselves

The ability to tamper with memory and existence in this manner has drawn the attention of clerics and paladins of Kiyoh, Naltyr, and Ezrithel who see this force as entirely antithetical to life itself and seek to draw this force away from the shadows to be defeated

The Seal of Null - Some Deerai Collective scholars have reported seeing this image on the page instead of the word for the deity's name. Others report seeing it in their dreams.
