Palm of the Father


The Palm of the Father is a relgious site dedicated to Bregoure within the Earthen Ring. The site is most famous for being the holding site for the Stone of Remembrance. Devout followers of Bregoure believe the site to be the exact place where the god of the mountain reached out of to catch the falling Novus.

The temple is constructed in dwarven methods, utilizing stone carving techniques to sculpt the temple from the rock of the Earthen Ring. The stucture is built with a sense of openness, ushuring people from the exterior grounds to the reflecting chambers, and then finally to the Stone of Remembrance itself. The site also hosts a monastery and cloister for pilgrims.

The grounds of the temple are considered sacred to the followers of Bregoure. A sense of reverance prevades the air around the temple as trailing lines of worshippers make their way through the caves to the temple. The temple is not the grandest construction in all of the city, but it is perhaps the most significant, drawing people from all levels of the city to this secluded remote area.

Temple / Religious complex