Shura Riovelle


Mageprincess Shura Riovelle as the last scion of House Riovelle and was the heir apparent to the magethrone of Novus at the time of the fall. Shura was separated from family at the time of the fall and survived when the rest of the family perished. The was discovred by Lord Asiel Blackwood, who saw the shifting politics and anti-royalist sentiment in the wake of the fall and believed that the only way to ensure Shura's protection was to hide her identity.

Shura later married Destin Blackwood, meaning no one who carried the Riovelle name would sit on the throne again.

Blood of the City

Since the founding of Novus, a Riovelle had held the throne. It was thought that the Riovelles had a special connection to the city, with the bloodline being infused with the blood of the city. This explained the sorcerous nature of the Riovelle bloodline. In fact, the belief in the blood of the city in the Riovelle line was so pervasive as to be directly quoted by the Magekings and Magequeens of Novus to any dissent. A superstition persisted that if anyone but someone who had the blood of the city in their veins ruled, the city would founder in ruin.

Every Mageking or Magequeen of Novus was a sorceror, until Shura, who never manifested her sorcerous powers, even after the fall.

During the turbulent era of Novus's initial reconstruction, Lord Asiel Blackwood enlisted the aid of the powerful Deerai Collective wizard Eamon Vecturinius to potentially awaken the bloodline in Shura to reestablish a monarchy. When the great wizard's efforts failed, he offered to perform a spell that would permanently alter Shura's biology from being a human, to being an elf. This would further hide her identity.

Marriage and Later Life

After this, Shura resolved to live a quiet life, performing the duties expected of a woman of station and responsibility in the city. She and her husband Destin administered to the Lumber Zone of the Jade Ring after the Brass Ring of Novus rose to prominence and organized the nobility to perform certain tasks.

Shura never once attempted to reveal her identity and died of old age as a Blackwood.


Destin Blackwood


Towards Shura Riovelle


Shura Riovelle


Towards Destin Blackwood


The last royal portait made of Shura before the Fall of Novus.
8 ECA 179 PF 187 years old
Circumstances of Death
Natural causes
Destin Blackwood (Husband)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations