Skysea Observatory


The Skysea Observatory is the central place of worship for the followers of Syren. Long ago the building was donated to cleric of Syren by the Deerai Collective, as they had little need of the observatory (and were looking to patch a diplomatic scandal with the The Council of the Hallowed Abbey). Today it is the place were worshippers attend for nightly services to pray beneath the night sky to the Star Queen herself.

Purpose / Function

The observator is meant first and foremost for worship, though on occasion, the observatory is allowed to be used by Deerai Collective academics who are interested in astronomy and find collective resources to be lacking. There are a number of telescopes within the structure, which allow for the viewing of distant stars and celestial bodies, which find use in both religious and non religous use.


The Skysea Observatory has undergon extensive modification over its lifetime to make it better suitied for Syren followers. Its upper floors were converted into a large glass dome stucture to allow for the largest amount of viewing space possible. This glass was specially designed for high clarity. An inner sanctum in the temple was also retrofitted to be a duplicate of this upper floor, except without the glass dome and telescopes. Instead, the ceiling was fitted with glittering sapphires, amethysts, and diamonds, meant to evoke the night sky. This chamber is used only when stormy nights or cloud cover prevent access to the night sky. The most surprsing and architecturally interesting alteration to the building is that the uppermost floor of the temple is able to detach from the structure entirely and float skyward using dirigible technology. This is only used during special festivals or observances of Syren, or when the chief clerics of the temple deem it necessary when factors like light pollution run at odds with the desire to hold a special service to Syren.


The Skysea Observatory was once far more rugged in its construction. The building was roughly plated in metal and stood as a domed tower in the city. Today the metal has been swapped for a pure marble enclosure. Massive domed metal doors cap the structure, protecting the glass dome from becoming dirty or losing clarity during the day, but unfurling at night time for services. Great care has been taken towards the acoustics of the structure, so that the followers of Syren may hear her song more clearly.


During times of trouble, clerics of Syren invite the people within the observatory's sturdy walls for protection and close the dome to protect all with in. Should those defenses fail, Syren's followers believe that a gathering under the stars draws their queen's eye and therefor potentially her blessing.


The Deerai Collective once donated the structure to the clerics of Syren. While altruism and charity may have outwardly been their motivation, many understand this structure was donated to make ammends to the Council of the Hallowed Abbey when a dig site under Council control beneath Novus was ransacked by Collective operatives. These details are not widely know and kept secret by both organizations. While Syren's followers do not typically lean towards scientific or arcane academic interest, a relationship between the Collective and the Council over use of the observatory exists to this day, with a small section of offices within the temple still staffed and managed by the Collective.


The Skysea Observatory is a place often sought out by tourists looking to see the most beautiful night vistas possible. This is an especially appealing destination for residents of the lower levels who may never get the chance to see the night sky in their life.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location