Zaera (Zay-rah)

Weave of Spirit (a.k.a. The Arcane Spear)


Zaera is the patron saint of arcanists, mages, and practitioners of arcane arts. Before the fall of Novus, Zaera was a mage like so many others. During a great and long forgotten war, Zaera sought more power to rise against her foes. It drove her ambition to levels considered arrogant and unwise. Yet the final strength she sought was just out of her control. It wasn’t until she surrendered her ambition and her will and surrendered to the Weave of spirit that imbues magic in all things. In doing so, she lost much of her identity and herself, but gained the strength to vanquish her foes. Zaera is a valorous deity, empowered to godhood through surrender to the arcane. She is an exemplar for all who practice arcane arts to fight for a cause greater than themselves or their ambition.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Arcana, Tempest, War
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization