Conflux Arcadium


After the fall, much of the world's understanding of magic had shifted and along with it, the ideals of wizards who practiced it. Those who saw that magic had been allowed to be twisted into a tool of power rather than a tool in service to the betterment of mankind and felt a deep desire to atone -- to build a new path forward. They partnered with the faithful of Zaera and set themselves to the task of building central home for this belief.

After discovering a new nexus point of arcane energies within the Edera District, the Conflux Arcadium was built overtop this convergence. Today it serves a both a place of learning and worship to the Arcane Spear. The Conflux Arcadium largely functions as sort of dojo for the training of arcane knights, who will later go on to serve as shock troopers for the Brass Spears of Novus. Various traditions combing martial and magic fighting styles can be learned here, including Bladesinging, Bard Colleges of Valor, and Eldritch Knights, producing the finest a most powerful soldiers in all of Novus.

Purpose / Function

A structure of the Conxflux Arcadium is meant to house and focus the natural arcane nexus present at this point. This nexus allows for magic practitioners to more easily access arcane energies to practice, learn, or refine magic, as well as allow faithful followers of Zaera to more easily connect with her. The faithful followers of Zaera worship her and seek to emulate her example.


The Conflux Arcadium once looked more like a glass domed temple, but the structure was re-envisioned as it became the Brass Spears would continue to need magically adept recruits. The structure was rebuilt, keeping the arcane nexus deep within the depths of the structure, and building a training floors for faithful recruits.


The Conflux Arcadium bears a resemblence to an arena or coliseum. A number of heroic statues surround the open plaza around the structure, rendering Zaera and the honored masters of her magical arts. Inside the structure is an open-air arena where games of skill, athleticism, and magical proficieny are conducted during during a once a year festival honoring Zaera's valour. The various levels beneath the arena are shrouded in mystery and are off limits to the uninitiated Zaera's ways.


Perhaps next to the Deerai Collective, the Conflux Arcadium bears one the largest number of aracane defenese. Most of these are unknown to those outside the temple. The Arcadium however is considered one of the gathering safe places during catastrophe, due to the ability to be able to keep such a large number of people within the arena structure. It is said that an enchantment exists that will deploy an impenetrable shield around the structure in such an instance.


This temple is the only temple to Zaera (besides the Hallowed Abbey itself) in all of Novus, as it was deemed appropriate to keep the faithful of Zaera together to be trained. The constuction on the Conflux Arcadium began early in post-fall Novus. As more arcane knights filled the ranks of the Brass Spears, shrines were also built in various military installations.


The temple is only open to the public during festivals, games, or when the Brass Ring of Novus has deigned to hold a public function within the arena. Only those who are devoted to Zaera and to learning the arcane arts in her style are permitted in at other times.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location