Fanley Phillips

Fanley can be found in the 2nd house along the Broken Highway. She is knowledgeable in RP and ERP Rules and info.  

Required Quest [RQ]


Broken Highway Tour
You need to talk to Arasan Carrawar before you can talk to Fanley.
  • 1 Medium Harness,
  • an Emotes Kit,
  • +5 Encumbrance
  • An increase in your Broken Highway and River Biome Reputation.
    Talk to Connabar, he share's the 2nd house along the broken Highway with Fanley and Brunhilda Goodwood. He is in the Kitchen of their house.  

    Fanley Discusses:


    What is RP and ERP?

    RP (aka Role-play) is the term used when you are assuming the role/identity of a character. RP is reflected in your writing, speaking, acting, and game play while in character, both in world and on Discord.     ERP (aka erotic roll-play) follows the same requirements and expectations of roll-play, however, the roll-play is of a erotic/sexual nature. This is usually expressed via the use of emotes, text/voice chat, and character positions, in any combination. ERP can involve two or more consenting players acting out erotic/sexual engagements, acts, and/or behaviours  

    RP & ERP Rules

      RP Rules:
    Rules regarding RP have been put in place to ensure fun and fair game play for everyone.
  • While RP is not mandatory on our server, it is encouraged. If you do choose to engage in RP you will need to uphold our rules.
  •   The RP rules for our server are as follows:
  • You are required to fill out a character bio. While you are not expected to pick a particular type of character to play, it is preferred that you pick a character that fits with our server.
  • You are required to specify whether you are IC (in character) or OoC (out of character) when engaging with other players while on our server.
  • Your character must behave realistically and appropriately to the different situations you participate in.
  • Your character name must also be used on our Discord.
  • OoC (out of character) or BC (breaking character) while on the server needs to be specified or explained as it becomes confusing and unfair to the other players who are also RPing.
  • If you come across a player who is not willing or wanting to RP, you are to accept this and move on. Do not try to force RP upon a no-consenting player.
  • If you are to go AFK, you are ensure that your in-game character is not left in a place where it is going to be of an inconvenience. It is preferred that you return to your base, or that you place or emote your character appropriately to the setting it is currently in, eg. sitting on a chair if in a town.
  • If you come up against a situation that requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.

      ERP Rules:
    Our ERP rules have been created to ensure the safety of all our players. They are to be upheld at all times.     Our ERP rules are as followed:
  • YOU MUST BE 18+! There are no exceptions. If the NUG Staff suspects that you are underage for any reason, you will be banned from playing on our server until you are able to prove to the satisfaction of the NUG Staff that you are at least 18 years old.
  • All RP/ERP characters must be 18+ and must appear to be over 18+, you are not to create characters that look younger than 18. This is not negotiable. Creating characters that are (or look) under 18 will result in a ban.
  • NO MEANS NO! All players engaging in any type of ERP must give consent. This means that that all parties involved need to be knowledgeable about what is going to take place during the ERP and have given their active consent to proceed.
  • Furthermore, just because a player is okay with something being done to them by other players, does NOT mean that you can assume that it’s okay coming from you. Again, you must have the player’s active consent before YOU can do the act.
  • You must fill out our consent sheet before engaging in an type of ERP with any other players, regardless of any previous history you may have with the other players on other servers.
  • You are not allowed to engage in or discuss any topics or content that is illegal such as child porn. Any admin logs on our server or our Discord that are found to have any illegal discussion or content will be passed on to the appropriate authorities.
  • All ERP preferences are to be respected. If a players ERP preferences are things that you don't agree with, don't like, or don't enjoy, you are to keep these to yourself. Kink shaming will not be tolerated. The only time you are to draw attention to another players ERP preferences is if they are illegal, in which case you are to notify a member of the NUG Staff straight away.
  • If you accidentally go against someone’s ERP preferences, or someone else goes against yours, work with them to correct it as quickly as possible. Please know that you can contact a NUG Staff member to assist you with resolving the situation if you feel that it is needed.
  • If you are unsure about the meaning or of what is involved with a players ERP preferences, discuss it with them, but most importantly do your own research before engaging in their ERP preference.
  • If you are uncomfortable with an ERP preference that you forgot or hadn't thought to add to your consent sheet, or you come across something you didn't know existed, please make it a priority to add it to your consent sheet. We recommend that you keep your consent sheet updated regularly to prevent any negative situations.
  • If you put 'anything goes' into your ERP preferences, or anything else vague like this, do so at your own risk. You forfeit your right to complain about preference breaking if you do not put some indication of your dislikes into your consent sheet.
  • If you are engaging in ERP in any public space, any bystanders that can see your posts from more than one tile away, but aren’t directly involved in the ERP scene, are still considered to be part of the scene. This means that their ERP preferences must also be considered. If you are engaged in ERP involving kinks that violate the preferences of a bystander or otherwise makes them uncomfortable, it is considered a violation of our ERP rules. However, this is not an excuse for people to try and shut down ERP scenes between consenting players. If players are publicly ERPing a scene that involve kinks that make you uncomfortable, you can politely request that they move it elsewhere, or alternatively you can remove yourself from the area.
  • Do not disrupt non-public ERP scenes. What players do in their own base is their business (unless it is illegal).
  •   Remember that ERP is a part of this server, and therefore you may come across situations or scenarios that you're not into. If you can't accept that you might be exposed to things you don't agree with, don't like, or don't enjoy, then this may not be the server for you. If you actively seek to prevent people from engaging in said things, you will be asked to leave.     We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
      Our New Life Rules:
    Our New Life Rules apply to deaths that occur during a RP/ERP scenario. This means that any deaths your character may incur when OoC are at your own discretion as to whether you choose to restart your character.     However, if you do die during a RP/ERP scenario, the rules are as follows:
  • When you die you lose memories surrounding the events that led to your death. This means that running back to your body after dying is forbidden. However, if you choose to remain with your current clan with your new character, you will need write a new character bio that will permit you to keep the knowledge about your old characters family, clan, friends, enemies etc.. This needs to be done properly or it will not be accepted by the NUG Staff, especially if it results in issues or confusion for other players.
  • In cases where death is the result of a RP situation that requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.
  • No Value For Life (NVFL) is disregarding your characters wellbeing in order to attempt an action with little chance of success and which conflicts with the natural survival instincts. Using NVFL in game is strictly prohibited. If your character is on the verge of starving to death and you chose to go and voluntarily put your character in a hostile situation, do not complain when you die in one punch!

      Our Gatekeeping & Powergaming Rules:
    Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. Everyone was a new player at some point. You can teach them how to play the game without being an asshole about it.  
    Common forms of Gatekeeping are:
  • Telling a player they can't do or be a certain character or profession because they are not "good enough".
  • Telling a player that they can't do something because they do it differently to you or how you would like it to be done.
  • You are allowed to offer advice or suggestions, however, it is up to the player as to whether they choose to take it onboard.
  • You cannot force any action, condition or belief upon another player's character (unless you have their active consent). You cannot tell another player anything about who their character is or what their character should or can't do, unless it is illegal or goes against any of our server rules. Furthermore, you cannot force another player into a situation in which they are uncomfortable or non-consenting.
  •   Powergaming is when also referred to as 'playing to win'. This is when a player is exploiting, creating, abusing, or using loopholes, game mechanics, external information, or RP concepts in order to win, turn the odds in their favour, or give them an unfair or unrealistic advantage..  
    Common forms of Powergaming are:
  • Trying to turn the rules or a situation in your favour.
  • Placing items/structures deliberately with the intent of preventing or blocking other players, thus denying them the same opportunity as you.
  • Trying to make your character higher, stronger or more skilled then they should be. This refers to when a player trys to take their character past what is realistically possible or achievable, e.g. 'I bandage my leg yesterday without any training, so now I'm a doctor'.
  • It can also be a form of Gatekeeping, when the player is attempting to create or use supposed flaws within another players character or within a scenario, in order to deflect from themselves or to put themselves in a better position.
  •   Gatekeeping and Power-Gaming is not allowed on our server and will not be tolerated. We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
      Our Meta-Gaming Rules:
    Meta-Gaming is when a player receives information that they would otherwise not have received in any reasonable role-play way and then decide to act upon it. The information is usually obtained from elsewhere, such as when the player is OoC, ears dropping, or any other external factors.   The player then chooses to act upon or use this information to influence their characters or clans:
  • Opinions, actions, behaviours, or knowledge of other players, characters, and clans.
  • To change their strategies, methods, or motives, thus putting themselves and/or their clan in a better position than they should be.
  •   Meta-Comms is where a player is OoC and is using a third-party program such as Discord, or has intentionally put themselves in a position that makes it possible to discuss, share, or overhear in-game information or content regarding a situation or other players.     Using Meta-Gaming and Meta-Comms tactics on our server is not allowed and will not be tolerated. We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
        For further information regarding our server rules:
  • Guide to the NUGaming Conan Server: About and Rules
  • Mental characteristics


    Aspiring Actress


    Fanley Phillips


    Towards Connabar Tatum


    Connabar Tatum


    Towards Fanley Phillips


    Current Location
    Current Residence
    The 2nd house along the Broken Highway