Underhall Settlement in Nune | World Anvil
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Underhall was once a great dwarven city in the Golden Peaks mountains, but has since fallen from its former glory. Half of the city was lost when undead came pouring in from Mortuem, and the city is on constant watch now to keep the monsters at bay.  


Underhall is a monarchy, ruled by the royal Mythforge family. The Mythforges are said to be blessed by the the dragon god Diadron so that the women always give birth to twins, one boy and one girl. The first born children to the women of the Mythforge line rule together as brother and sister  


Underhall is a very rigid and lawful society. Following the rules and contributing your skills and services to the community is valued very highly, and those who do not conform to those expectations are frowned upon and shunned. Underhall prides itself on their craftsmanship working with metal, in particular the adamantine for which the city is known. They very much set in their ways, with a very clear and enforced structure for the "correct" way for things to be done. This has led to a stagnation in their technological and arcane developments, and a limit on their artistic expression.

The dwarves of Underhall are very closed off from the outside world, and migration is quite limited. They are mistrustful of outsiders.  


The primary deity worshiped in Underhall is Diadron. While the worship of other deities is not outright banned, you would be pressed to find a native of Underhall who followed and other god. The dwarves in Underhall are very religious, and attend their central cathedral, the Diaspire, for worship twice a month.  

Places of Interest

Core District

The central cavern of Underhall, the Core District is where the majority of the population lives. The streets are clean and orderly, and there are many shrines, parks, libraries and other public spaces for relaxation, education and spirituality.
  • The Diaspire. A massive structure in the center of the core district, build of stone and adamantine. Two large towers stretch to the top of the cavern, coiling around each other. This is the central church of Underhall.
  • Wyrmblood Palace. The home of the royal family. This massive castle is protected by and outer wall.
  • The Bat's Wing. A tavern primarily visited by local farmers.
  • The Flying Cloak. An inn near the gates to the District of Blood. Frequented by bounty hunters and smugglers with dealings in the undead part of the city.

Steel Market

The commercial district of the city, this is where most of the trade in the city occurs. Much of the goods are weapons , tools and armor, and other metallic items crafted in the forge district, however there are also various shops of clothing, foodstuffs, gems, jewelry, and the occasional trader from the outside world bringing more exotic goods.
  • Narder's Armor. A smith who sells armor of steel and adamantine. He is a tall (for a dwarf), ginger with a short and neat beard and green eyes. His armor is high quality, but simple and without much design or flourish.
  • Aigartz's Finer Armory. A high-end smithy who sells very fancy and often ornamental armor to rich and noble people. His shop is very clean and displays several suits of armor adorned with gems and embossed with elegant designs.
  • The Sharper Blade. A weapon-smith who crafts high-quality weapons. He is well known among local bounty hunters and adventurers for his reliable products.


The batfarms are a large cavern connected to the core district where several farms and ranches raise giant bats for milk and for meat.

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