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Vairea is the westernmost kingdom in the Indarran Empire . It contains the capital of the empire, Amberport.


Vairea is located in the south-west of Udora. It has a warm, temperate climate, with hot summers and mild winters, particularly in the south and near the coast.  

Amber Peninsula

The Amber Peninsula is the peninsula on the western coast of the kingdom, which juts out into the Verta Ocean. It is a fertile and lush land, with many prosperous farming communities. At the tip of the peninsula sits Amberport, the capital of the Empire.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are the southernmost region of Vairea, encompassing everything south of the Copper Teeth and as far east as Riverport. The Riverlands are filled with farming and fishing villages, as well as frequent trade with the merchants traveling in-land down the Antilin Channel.

Elsir Vale

The Elsir Vale is a relatively isolated frontier region in the north east of Vairea.  


Vairea is one of the five kingdoms belonging to the Indarran Empire. As such, it is ruled by Emperor Graves Renault, however the rule of the kingdom is delegated to Bryant Lorraine and his house.


There is no kingdom wide law enforcement organization. The rule of law in enforced by the regional lords of the various cities across the country. The lord's of Vairea have all sworn loyalty to the Imperial Throne, and as such are charged with upholding the Imperial Law as they see fit.

Major Settlements

  • Amberport. The capital of the Indarran Empire.
  • Seamouth. A large port city at the mouth of the Antilin Channel.
  • Kroxford. Market hub for farmers and trade stop on the way to Amberport.
  • Raymore. Last stop before the wilderness on the way to the Elsir Vale.
  • Litner.
  • Steros. A city on the slopes of the Copper Teeth, known for it's quarries.
  • Woving. Major market hub of the The Riverlands.
  • Orlock. Mining town on the east side of the Copper Teeth.
  • Riverport. Trading town on the banks of the Antilin Channel.
  • Croffhill. Mining town on the slopes of the Wyvernwatch Mountains.
  • Brindol. Prosperous farming community in the Elsir Vale.
  • Dennovar. Trading hub on the eastern side of the Elsir Vale.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories
Parent Nation
Indarran Empire 
Ruling House
House Lorraine

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