Cajenian Archipelago

Cajenian archipelago is a region in the esternmost part of Doujate. It is said that after it there is only the ocean, extending forever. It is between the Sun Kingdom in the south, the New Empire territories in the North and the Free Lands in the west.   It hosts many bizarre and unique plants and animals and exports many exotic products.

Fauna & Flora

For its isolated position, Cajãe species evolved differently than those on the continent. Some of them have been studied extensively, some others have always drawn attention, but are rare or otherwise difficult to study.   The most interesting among animals are sirenids, some bird species and large molluscs.   Sirenids are an intelligent species living in shallow waters near rocky islands or at the bottom of the sea. They are considered equal to the other species as they proved to be able to summon magical energies. They can talk and speak a weird variant of Cajenian. Most of them live in the eastern part of the archipelago, where there are fewer cities and almost no traffics. They can breathe both above and underwater.   Cajenian birds are colourful and noisy: though many rich merchants keep them as pets, they scream constantly. Some of them can repeat human speech accurately and can be trained.   Many molluscs in Cajãe produce some substance used in cosmetics or medicine. The counter-folgor, for instance, produces in its shell a mould from which a medical ointment for infections can be derived.   Plants are equally interesting. Many fruits can only be cultivated in the Archipelago, such as pineapples and the notorious sirtão, used to cure a handful of digestive-related problems.   Many scholars agree on linking the abundance of different plants with that of animals: a diverse ecosystem can breed various species not competing for resources. This, they say, determines also the quantity and quality of natural remedies in the region: the more species, the more possibilities that one of them develops a useful antidote, ointment or property.
Alternative Name(s)
Cajena, Cajãe
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Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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