Plot: Treacherous Waters

The Cajenian Archipelago is the foreign territory closest to the Empire, and the first that would be taken over in case of a war. Cajenian people have already fought and won a war against the Empire recently, with the joint forces of pirates and the league.   But the success of Tikhuphri Project changes everything. Cajenian people will lose fleet superiority as soon as the Empire succeed in producing weapons and ships implementing energy circuitation.   The Cajenian first reaction, as soon as the news sunk in, was to organize a new infiltration and sabotage to gain some time to better prepare. League officers tried to contact pirates to arrange a joint effort against the invasion, in particular requesting a meeting with Çidrães Çkamas, pirate leader.   However, many pirate groups refused. They claimed this was a cheap sneaky move to make the admiral show up with his Phantom Galleon and size it for the war. Reassurances to persuade them to accept met with stronger refusal. The league even proposed to meet the admiral wherever he wanted and with as much escort as he would see fit.   In the end, they wrote him a letter asking whether he wanted to make his fleets join theirs in the war. He refused. They proposed a joint pre-emptive attack against imperial harbours, much in pirates style. He refused.   The situation is growing more and more uncertain and tense. The widespread opinion is the pirate admiral decided to side with the Empire, seeing it as the only and sure winning side. A couple of pirate groups, that in the beginning decided to join the league forces, changed their mind or disappeared mysteriously.   Among the others, Captain Rrades is investigating the situation. She provided sailors to the admiral frequently and would not like to see her work going right onto the imperial side of the conflict. She suspects even more. There are a couple of ex-pirates who met the admiral and were on his galleon, but who are now Wayfarers. They described her what they found on Çidrães' ship and she thinks there must be a connection between him and the Abyss. She reached out to Cajenian authorities for a secret meeting. Some wayfarers will join too.  

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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