Selado Sertero

Selado Sertero is a Cajenian wayfarer, deemed from the others too interested in his long silvery hair and too little in more important affairs. Everyone simply calls him Sedo, for short.   He often remains at the Crossroads to train new people. Over the years, he has been the most prolific trainer. This achievement is looked at with suspicion from the others. Most wayfarers consider him lazy, self-absorbed and too afraid of going risk his life in mission, hence his tendency of staying home with the excuse of training new recruits.   The attitude towards him changed recently, when he came back from the Cajenian Archipelago with an artefact from the first era and an ancient sentient automaton. The dangerous pirate admiral Çidrães Skamas was interested in the item and no wayfarer wanted to risk dealing with him to get the artefact back.   He is currently assisting the automaton in awakening their people from the Unknown Waters, an unexplored archipelago far east from Cajena.   Current situation
To know how current his mission went, check out the session report Act 1 ~ Finding Çidrães

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sedo's most famous and well-regarded achievement (the only one according to many of his colleagues) was getting an artefact the pirate admiral was looking for.   Information from the Shadow Court leaked about the existence of an ancient artefact from the Old Empire in Cajena. Wayfarers learnt about it and decided to send someone there to investigate. Nobody wanted to go, mostly fearing the pirate admiral Çidrães Skamas and is dragon Sovurras.   Sedo was in Cajena at that time and successfully persuaded both the imperial search party and a group of naive pirates to share information about it with him. He somehow promised to both sides he wanted to help against the others. At that point, he sent word to his Wayfarers colleagues he was going to bring the artefact back home, but nobody took him seriously.   With a little bit of luck in avoiding a direct confrontation with the admiral and his pet dragon, Sedo secured the artefact, as well as the alliance with an ancient arkadic automaton. He even convinced two out of the three pirates who worked with him and half of the imperial party (two people) to join the wayfarers.   He was and still is real proud of his performance.   Bulletin Board Messages
After Bheratal noted the mission on the Crossroads's bulletin board, a couple of wayfarers commented on it.  
2084 May 20
  Bheratal ~ Information leaked from the Shadow Court about the existence of an ancient artefact supposedly located in Cajena. Both the pirates and the League surely know it by now. We try to avoid crossing with the Court's goals usually, but I would like to take at least this artefact away from Çidrães and Sovurras and bring it here. They already have enough of them. If someone happens to go through there and wants to investigate the situation, it would be wonderful.   Letscheal ~ If you're implicitly referring to me, since you know I will briefly be in Cajena next week, I'd like to inform you I do not desire to risk my life to steal an ancient artefact from those two. You know well neither the Empire nor anyone else will be able to take it out of the archipelago if Sovurras does not want them to.  
2084 June 24
  Khethov ~ Selado informed me he is dealing with the situation. He said he secured help from both the imperial search party and a group of naive pirates. Don't ask me questions.   Letscheal ~ We all know him. He will come back empty-handed. Stealing an artefact from Sovurras is plainly impossible. If he comes back alive at all, that is.  
2084 July 13
  Selado ~ I filed the report in the temporary archive. You can thank me later.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Sedo is fond of his long, silvery hairs. He leaves them loose and often swings or move them. His vanity is well renowned among all his wayfarer colleagues. He does understand, however, that his hairs are of no interest and consequence for other people, so he usually succeeds in avoiding the topic, unless explicitly asked. He will still ensure his interlocutor notice them though.   He spends a considerable fortune on balms, ointments, essential oils and other products. His favourite perfume shop is in Roas, a Cajenian city. Rumour has it the owner is a descendant of Sedo's sister. They provide him with a rare extract imported from the Shajīn Kingdom.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
1909 TE 187 Years old
Long and silvery
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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