Admiral Çidrães Skamas

Çidrães Skamas is the pirate admiral. He assigned the title to himself when he acquired the Ghost Galleon. After an initial period of conflict, is supremacy was established, and every pirate captain swore loyalty to him (or got killed).   He has a "pet" dragon, Sovurras and the most powerful ship ever existed, the Soul's Oblivion.   He is over 100 years old, though he appears to be in his late fifties.  


Nobody knows a lot about Çidrães' past. Rumor has it, he was born in Roas, a major city in the Cajenian Archipelago, from a wealthy merchant family.   Several recounts about how he became a pirate circulates. Some say a storm destroyed his father's ship, ruining their traffics and forcing them all to join a pirate crew. Others claim his father and older sister died in a shipwreck and Çidrães decided to abandon his mother to live by himself. Someone believes he bought a small ship and started his pirate career as a captain by attacking his father's ship. The most dreadful theories depict him killing his whole family to steal their possessions, buy a new ship and pursue his dream of power, fueled by demonic energies and corruption.  
A Pirate Captain
Whatever the case, at some point in his history, he became a rising pirate captain. He yearned for more power over his crew and over the world. His area of interest was ancient artefacts. He would make his crew dig for days on deserted islands to find abandoned ruins and long lost items. He sold some of the items to the Empire, the League, the Sun Kingdom, or even to the Church, if they were interested in them. The only organization which never bought a single artefact was the Cosmos Wayfarers.   He and his early crew amassed a generous amount of money this way, enabling them to reinforce the ship now known as the Wavehammer and lead by his second in command. While his crew grew in number, many who were with him from the beginning decided to buy their own ships, with his blessing and encouragement and swore him loyalty. Those who stayed on his ship gained relevant roles as officers. With this expansion, his small domain was born.   He then decided to set sail towards the Uncharted Archipelago, to salvage any artefact he could find in those unexplored lands. Nobody knows what happened there on his first travel. What people saw was he departing with one ship, and coming back with two. He had found his galleon, which he named "Soul's Oblivion" (though everyone still calls it "Ghost Galleon", for it had appeared and disappeared mysteriously on several occasions). He also acquired a small dragon he called Sovurras.  
The Pirate Admiral
Back from this trip, Çidrães began asserting dominance over other pirates. He demanded their loyalty, respect and tributes. Sometimes they decided to join him, sometimes they paid, sometimes they refused. A war for hegemony followed his attempts to impose himself as the only pirate leader, but he was unstoppable.   After he became the pirates' admiral, a title he bestowed on himself, he organized the pirate fleet to prey on Cajenian traffics and look for ancient ruins and artefacts. It was not clear what, but he was obviously looking for something in particular.   After the New World Treaty, the Cajenian League reinforced its military presence in the archipelago, trying to ensure secure routes for its new commercial allies. In particular, they built deployed two galleons in an attempt to fight off piracy. Çidrães only had limited manpower to counter these new additions, especially since he did not want to risk the integrity of his own flagship.   Good luck was on his side, though. During the late twentieth century, rumours of the imperial technological advancement spread in Cajena. The League realised they could not stop a possible invasion alone and looked for Çidrães to make a secret pact with him. They offered more tolerance for pirate businesses, leaving them a couple of uninhabited Cajenian island to set their bases and allowing them to explore the Uncharted Archipelago undisturbed. In exchange, the pirate would help against the Empire, in the likely impending war.   Çidrães accepted since this was his occasion to turn the tables in his favour. He kept fewer ships in Cajena for his illegal traffics, since they did not have to fight the League anymore, and send a large portion of the fleet to explore the Uncharted.   In the year 2082, the war finally erupted. The admiral deployed its ships along Cajenian forces to fight off the invasion, honouring his part of the deal. The Soul's Oblivion appeared out of nowhere. Following it was a dragon bigger than the galleon itself, Sovurras' true form. At the end of the battle, both disappeared.  
Current Times
Çidrães location is currently unknown. The League is frantically looking for him to reenact their pact, now that the Empire is ready to attack again, this time with the validation of energy circuitation. The pirate admiral does not seem to want any relation with the League anymore.   Author's note: more information on current times at Plot: Treacherous Waters and in its session reports, especially Act 1 ~ Finding Çidrães.  


Contacts & Relations

As a pirate, Çidrães does not like to have affiliations and obligations with anyone, organizations or people. He trusts his sailors but knows they could easily betray him if he ever shows weakness. However, he deeply trusts Duem Falese, his second in command, for reasons unknown.   While Çidrães does not like being affiliated with anyone, he still gets along with organizations, if he can benefit, especially the League. It is not difficult to understand, thinking about all the artefacts he sold to the Empire, the League and the Church. However, he has always kept his distance from wayfarers. He does not know what their real goal is, he says, and thus distrusts them.   He would always try to hinder them in exploring the archipelago or even just making their stay harder. His sentiments towards them changed completely when Selado Sertero stole from him an important artefact he had been looking for for a long time. He now harbours deep hatred and vengeance against them.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
1926 TE 170 Years old
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Related Plots

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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