
The Tavern between the Worlds

The Crossroads is a particular plane of existence consisting of a single building, a tavern, where Wayfarers set their headquarters.   People debate whether it is a kanva or not. Many say it is since it has a guardian, Bheratal, and it is an enclosed space in the infinite-dimensional cosmos. Others strongly oppose this definition saying that a plane must be projected to be a kanva, whereas the Crossroad origin, though unclear, is for sure different. Bheratal claims to have created it, but how exactly remains a mystery.   Moreover, the Crossroad does not have the main gate, whereas kanvæ have it. The lack of a gate makes reaching the tavern an arduous task. Wayfarers explain it is in the same position as Nys in every cosmos dimension except one, thus being accessible from beyond the borders of Nys. In addition to this, Wayfarers can open temporary gates.   Once one has exited Nys from its borders or by one of these gates, they must travel through a chaotic region of space separating Nys from the tavern in that only different dimension. Wayfarers disagree on what this space is, especially whether it is the Abyss or not, but they agree on its demonic origin.  

Inside the Crossroads

The Crossroads looks just like the inside of a tavern, but without exits, nor windows. It is unknown how big the building is.   In the upper floors, there are rooms where Wayfarers can stay for free, practice magic, train their skills, purify themselves from demonic energies, socialise among them.   In the main hall, there is a large wooden counter where a goat-like humanoid stands most of the time: they are Bheratal, the innkeeper. They claim to be the equivalent of an auphi for the Crossroads. As such, they make the rules.   Wayfarers do not spend much time at the Crossroads but use it as a brief break between missions and adventures. This behaviour is not just a consequence of their will to fight the Abyss and defend the kanvæ but also a rule Bheratal imposed.   Those who are in the tavern, however, are often in the main hall, sitting at a table. Since they usually fare alone, this is the only time they can spend with other Wayfarers.   The last important feature of the main hall is the bulletin board. Here Bheratal writes tasks of various nature and Wayfarers write important information they acquire during their travels. In general, it serves as a mean of communication between them, for what everyone must see and for those who cannot speak directly. It is also enchanted so that people isolated in different rooms, mostly for purification purposes, can still communicate in real-time.   Under the bulletin, there is also a small, temporary archive, where Wayfarers file their reports at the end of a task. After some time, Bheratal moves the papers in the library room.   From the main hall, stairs lead to the kanvæ floor below. In the beginning, there were only a few kanvæ and finding the way was easy. Since wayfarers number increased and with them the number of kanvæ, they often kept wondering, completely lost, looking for a certain world. After some complaint, Bheratal developed an intricate magic sigil able to give indications.   Somewhere on the floor, there is an iron gate. It is both physically closed and magically sealed so that only Bheratal can open it. It leads to another staircase going down, to the floor wayfarers call "the dungeon". Here the innkeeper moves gates of kanvæ deemed too dangerous, which usually means corrupted or absorbed by the Abyss.   To enter a kanva here, one must ask permission to Bheratal stating if they intend to destroy or purify it, respectively by killing or killing and substituting the corrupted auphi. For centuries wayfarers just left corrupted kanvæ to rot in the dungeon but recently a new member, only known as death angel, has been accessing and destroying them one after another.
Dimensional plane
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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