
Bheratal is a demon, spawned directly from the Abyss during the second era. He resembles a humanoid goat and is the leader of Cosmos Wayfarers.   He claims he created the Crossroads during the second era, but it is unclear how exactly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Bheratal's life. Being born during the second era, all the people he knew in Nys died a long time ago and, with them, the possibility of checking his claims died too.   He claims he spawned during the Nysian second era in the Abyss, with many other demons similar to him. He does not remember anything about this time, he claims. The first memory he has is being in a forest on Nys.   His tales about this part of his life are purposedly confused since he does not like talking about it. He only says he interacted peacefully with many Nysian people until they began hunting for demons. During the second era, the whole continent was in a state similar to the present Dark Lands and demons were often dangerous, so that people grew wary of them.   After an unknown event, he left his companions and travelled through the land, until he met Ddaichus, a Moon pilgrim. This meeting prompted Bheratal to create the Crossroads. Nothing is known about Ddaichus, except that Bheratal claims he is still alive to this day.   After becoming the Crossroads guardian he remained alone for a long time, until the first wayfarers, which he does not want to talk about, reached the tavern. He welcomed them and the organization was born.   Since then, he acquires information about Nys from incoming Wayfarers, since he can't leave the tavern, and guides them against the Abyss.

Morality & Philosophy

Bheratal devoted his life to the fight against the Abyss collecting kanvæ and protecting them through his organization. He has never stated whether its goal is to actively destroy the Abyss, like the Moon Church, or limited to passively keep it at bay.   He accepts everyone at the Crossroads, as long as they want to fight the Abyss: Doujatar adventurers, Shadow Court's outcasts from the Empire, Cajenian pirates, Undeads and even demons.   It is clear he thinks everyone should have a reason to fight the Abyss, but many wayfarers guess there is much more behind this. For instance, many believe the Movement for Demons Rights Recognition originated from an idea of his to keep the Empire under watch, even though they refused to sign the New World Treaty.
Current Location
Around three thousand years at least
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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