Tikhuphri Project

In a time before the first era, when Nys didn't exist yet, ancient beings populated the universe. They were omnipotent and wise, they knew the way of the cosmos and its secrets. Uphi created Nys and its people but forgot to light their way out of the darkness. Tikhuphri, seeing them pleading helplessly at the skies, gifted them fire.
We are now proposing this project with their name, hoping to bring the light of magic to the world.
— Project Incipit
The Tikhuphri (or Tihufri in modern orthography) project, also known as TH-0, is one of the latest research projects focused on Circuitation of Energy. A team of young researchers proposed it in the year 2092 as a five-year plan. As all other projects about the same topic, it is classified until the expiration date, which is now close.   It has been in the spotlight ever since people began thinking it is the only one co-financed by the Shadow Court.   It is named after an ancient mythical being said to have gifted Nysian people fire.


The goal of the document is not only to present the research in a five-years plan in details including many different branches depending on experiments outcomes, but also to request authorizations, in particular for the use of Energised Crystals and cutting edge magitechnological equipment.

Document Structure


The project requires a large number of energised crystals at regular intervals and states clearly that most of it will be destroyed during testing without achieving direct results until an advanced point in the project. The approved version of the document includes a huge fine for the research group in case of failure, but the Shadow Court itself guaranteed for the sum in secret.

Publication Status

As for every other research project, the document is public, but, dealing with energy circuitation, details are omitted and all results are classified and accessible only to the group members, the head of the Arkadhian Institute of Technology magitech department and Shadow Court authorised members. After the end of the project, a commission will review the results and decide what to publicly show.   As a special unusual clause, the research group members names are classified.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

Considering the imperial thirst of magitechnical knowledge and the massive changes that energy circuitation would bring, it is no surprise that any new research project about this topic attracts widespread attention.   In the beginning, without knowing the details, this was just a project among the others, probably unsuccessful. But then journalists noticed the great number of crystals mined and began connecting the starting of the project with the mining. They took past researches, now public, and gave an estimate of how much money was needed to cover the cost of a possible failure this time. They found out it would have become unsustainable for the magitech department at that rate after four years or so. Elapsed that time, given the flow of crystals didn't even slow, let alone stop, they began thinking there must have been the Shadow Court involved.   The Šifjo has neither denied nor confirmed its involvement, expectedly, but people have begun hoping this is the right time. With the recent loss against the Cajenian League fleet in the Archipelago, circuitation discovery would give them the military advancement they need to win a war.   Moreover, many other experiments have recently been suspended or delayed and some that were carried out gave completely inconsistent results due to "unexpected oscillations in the magic fields". Journalists and researchers alike linked this to the secret experiments of the Tihufri project.   The name itself was made public only once the project had attracted interest since it is very ambitious and vaguely arrogant. Before it was referred to as project TH-0.
Study, Scientific
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Expiration Date
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by Gerd Altmann


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