Deyallor and Dakath

Gorrattam, the great maker, had created many gods when he made Bailuk, the god with two minds. But Bailuk was unable to function as the other gods did, the two minds only arguing with each other inside their head where no one else but Gorrattam could hear. So Gorrattam took his great axe and sliced Bailuk in two down the middle, severing the minds from each other. And thus the birth of Deyallor and Dakath.
  Both of them were nearly identical, resembling gray dragons and only discernable by the scars where they had been split, with Deyallor's on his left and Dakath's his right. But both hated each other from the moment of their creation, having been trapped for some time within Bailuk able only to quarrel with each other. The pair have been in near constant conflict since, and when not fighting each other in a direct physical confrontation they have worked to undermine the other's goals.
  Deyallor and Dakath both see everything around them as being in a state of constant conflict. Deyallor sees this conflict as a battle between good and evil, seeing the way to victory through spreading order to create a state of complete justice and harmony throughout the world. Dakath see's this conflict as a battle where the strong seek to overcome the weak, and desires to unite the strong under one banner, his own, with the hope of ending the conflict with all things under his control. Both of their followers believe that both sides are slowly building toward a final battle that will involve the entirety of the world, both of it's creatures and it's very essence.
  During their first break from direct physical conflict, Deyallor created the metallic dragons and Dakath the chromatic dragons. These were intended to be soldiers in their eternal war, however over the millennia they have largely gone their own way, though metallic and chromatic dragons largely continue to despise each other and some still continue the fight. They also likely created dragonborn.
  Deyallor attracts worshipers who believe strongly in order and justice. They tend to desire peaceful solutions when possible, though they find intimidation and outright violence to be acceptable when order and justice are on the line. They often seek out strong rulers who support their values to help in their spread. They tend to be kind and helpful to others, seeing everyone's wellbeing as both a benefit to their cause and a good in itself. Most, however, see both themselves and others as cogs in a great machine, placing little value on the individual compared to the state or society as a whole.
  Dakath attracts those who seek wealth or power, which his clergy promise to potential worshipers. They tend to have few qualms about harming others for their own ends, often working with others only when they see potential benefit. Many, however, are not truly evil, often simply seeing their worldview as one of realism, and believing compassion and generosity to be simply forms of deceit. Churches of Dakath are usually only glorified crime syndicates and bandit gangs, differentiated largely by their webs of connection to other branches. Those who join are expected to assist others in within the church, and those who try to leave when it no longer benefits them are often hunted down mercilessly by their former brethren in faith.

Divine Domains

Deyallor: life, war   Dakath: trickery, war

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Deyallor: A dragon's head facing forward with the sun rising from behind, often made from metal.   Dakath: A dragon's tail curved into a spiral.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Seek out and support strong and just rulers.
  2. The whole is greater than the individual.
  3. Revere metallic dragons.
  4. Fight the followers of Dakath and other evil gods wherever they may be found.
  1. Seek out wealth and power.
  2. Beware others deceit, especially that which is hidden within "kindness" and "generosity".
  3. Destroy those who betray you.
  4. Revere chromatic dragons.
  5. Fight the followers of Deyallor wherever they may be found.
Lawful Good (Deyallor) and Neutral Evil (Dakath)