
Overlook is the capital and largest town of the Aurean province of Caltheria. It is situated between the top of The Great Stair, which leads up the cliffs into Caltheria from the lowlands to the north, and The Falls of the Gods, a massive waterfall where Caltheria’s many glacial streams meet and plunge thousands of feet down the side of the mountains. The town itself is quite close to the cliffs, and the great views of the lowlands as far as Aureapolis are known throughout the empire, and have given the city its name.   The town is located in one of the more open area's of Caltheria, though the town as remained tightly packed to preserve the areas limited grazing land. It is made up mostly of two to three story stone buildings, with the most important temples and government buildings located closest to to the cliffs. In case of erosion, an open space exists between these buildings and the cliffs, which is used by the residents as a park. The town attracts a large number of followers of Xatha, who is said to have blessed both the cliffs and the Falls of the Gods. It is also one of Obseron's few centers of griffon training, and trained griffons are a common sight over the town.


Overlook was founded in 2251 AY after the completion of the Great Stair, to become the capital of the newly created province of Caltheria.
Founding Date
2251 AY
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization