Honor Bay

Honor Bay is a town on the southern shore of the Bay of Andrasius between Port Aegion and Lycanthum. The town is built in a small cove, and much of it is built on along the docks on posts sticking out from the water. It is known as a pirate haven, where local pirates base their ships and sell their ill gotten gains.   Though claimed by the Kingdom of Thelegon, Honor Bay is effectively independent, and few of Thelegon's laws are enforced. The towns lord, an elf named Immeral Siankiir who has ruled the town since the days of the Aurean Empire, collects docking fees from arriving ships and sends some to the kingdom's tax collectors. With adequate taxes being collected, and the kingdom of Thelegon still having trouble exerting effective control over much of it's territory, Honor Bay has thus far managed to avoid drawing unwanted attention from the kingdom's armies.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization