Kingdom of Thelegon

The kingdom of Thelegon is a large kingdom that controls The Rift, the southern shore of the Bay of Andrasius, and the settlements of The Windwood. It is a relatively new kingdom, born out of the collapse of Aurea, and much of the country is not fully under the control of it's central government. Thelegon is bordered by Bularia to the east, the Aurean Empire to the northeast, Yililath to the north, and Pillaran to the northwest. To the south is mostly sparsely populated plains and deserts, such as The Endless Sands, the Coastal Plain, and the ominous Southern Plateau, and to the west is The Howling Sea. The population is mostly human but is also home to a large number of halflings and some people of other races as well.   It is ruled from the eponymous city of Thelegon, due largely to it being relatively easy to defend. Port Aegion, at the mouth of the Aegion River, is the largest city, and while the surrounding area around the Bay of Andrasius is the kingdoms most thickly populated area, most of the population lives within the much larger Rift.


Before it's conquest by the Aurean Empire in 3215-3247 AY, what is now the kingdom of Thelegon was divided into a large number of smaller polities, with city states (mostly magocracies) on the coast, and some smaller kingdoms and many disparate tribes fighting over The Rift in a state of near constant warfare. After conquest by the Aurean empire it was divided into three provinces; Aegion along the Aegion River upstream of modern Thelegon, Darus on the lower Aegion and it's tributaries, and Lycanthum on the coast. Since the conquest its population largely assimilated into the Aurean culture, but developed somewhat of a distinct identity as well which has been strengthened since the collapse.   In 4839 AY the The Old Road was cut off by a hobgoblin legion, which the empire was unable to deal with due to its struggles during the collapse. The ruling faction from the city of Thelegon, led by future king Tiberius I won a quick but bloody civil war to take control of a large area, and named their new kingdom after their home city. In 4953 AY, an Aurean invasion intended to reincorporate the kingdom was stopped largely due to the capital's impressive walls and the Aurean army's long and dangerous supply line.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Thelegon is in an unofficial war with Pillaran — though this rarely results in more then skirmishes, small raids, and privateering. Relations with the Aurean Empire are somewhat icy, as the empire has not given up it's claim to the area even after its failed invasion. Relations with Bularia are more positive, and Thelegon keeps some diplomatic contact with Shakara, Eutoria, Yililath, the city-state of Duliad to the south, and the theoretically independent Duchy of Erthon.


  • Thelegon
Founding Date
4839 AY
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Gold, silver, and copper coins, in the style of the Aurean Empire but now made with the image of the ruling king of Thelegon. Aurean and other similar currency is accepted by most merchants.

Articles under Kingdom of Thelegon