
Leonta is the capital and largest city of Aureapolis Province in the Aurean Empire, located just downstream of Aureapolis along the Paletar River. It grew to its current size due to the unusual slowness of the Paletar in that location, making it a easy spot for boats to stop, and grain is often shipped south to Aureapolis from its docks. In addition, its easy access by boat has made it a popular location for wealthy Aureapolitans wanting to get away from the city, and the shore to the north of the loading docks is dotted with the estates of Aureapolis's nobility well beyond the bounds of the city.   Away from the docks, the city is fairly quiet and peaceful. Like many in the region, it has grown well beyond its walls as it has little risk of attack, even today being far from the empires borders. It has shrunk somewhat since the empires collapse two hundred years ago, but has done well compared to many other cities.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization