The Great Stair

The Great Stair is a large pathway built up the side of a series of cliffs on the edge of the The Dragonpeaks. The stair connects the Aurean lowlands in Aureapolis Province to the province of Caltheria, which is otherwise near inaccessible, starting in the city of Fallbottom and ending in Overlook. It often comes close to The Falls of the Gods, sometimes close enough that the air becomes humid and the ground slick, and these areas can become especially icy in the winter.   The stairs are mostly a smooth pathway that switchbacks along the cliffs. In some areas it does consist of actual carved stairs, though long and uneven ones. It is relatively narrow in most places, in some narrow enough that two horses cannot safely pass each other for short stretches. The path is impassible to carts, though pack animals can make the journey in the summer. In the winter it is extremely trecherous for both animals and humanoids, and is rarely used until the snow and ice melt.
Founding Date
2246-2251 AY
Owning Organization