Crimson Sea Geographic Location in Od | World Anvil
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Crimson Sea

A land of pirates and scallywags northwest of Atheria .  

Notable Factions

  • Guildra Naval Forces
  • Phoenix something
  • Brathrym's something
  • Stone Pole
  • Storybook
  • Gilded Trout - merchant group with giant, deadly, elaborately gold decorated ships
  • South Sea Dogs
  • Sea Dragons
  • Leaf Eaters - All Elf Crew
  •   The spice and silk trade are big around the Crimson Sea, as climate on the island is the perfect place for them to grow. The Guildra Naval Forces try to keep the peace and keep trade routes safe, but some would argue they just want the profit for themselves and are using their forces to get it, heavily taxing those using their protections and established routes.   The Dragon Forged Alliance doesn't have much of an influence in the Crimson Sea, as the area is not part of the Alliance. They don't have much interest in what happens out there unless it poses a threat to the alliance as a whole, which is has yet to do. You may find a ship with Dragon Forged soldiers though, as they would have been contracted out to Guildra who could station them as they see fit, including on a ship in their navy.  

    Noteable Islands

    There would be a number of settlements and towns on and across the various islands. They have not yet been marked on the map above.

    Island Shipwreck is on

    Long Island (needs a better name)

    Island west of Shipwreck island

    Island east of shipwreck island

    Various islands in the sea

    Island in the dry gulf


    The Scattered Isles

    The Scattered Isles is a section of unexplored and unchartable island. It seems anytime you venture in you are met with a completely different island, layout, seas, anything! It seems impossible to navigate your way through it, but there are countless tales of unimaginable amounts of treasure waiting on the other side so people are more than happy to try. For just as many people have gotten luck and rich on their journeys in, more have lost their boats, their crew, their minds, and their lives to it.
    Included Locations


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