Dragon Forged Alliance Organization in Od | World Anvil
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Dragon Forged Alliance

A coalition of nations set in the city-state of Dewfall. The Alliance is comprised of Dewfall, Riveria, Guildra, and Linshore. The Alliance's main goals are to keep good relations between the nations, and keep the people safe from evil, like the Black Arm Dominion. The effect of this, unfortunately, is variably seen depending on your location and proximity to a major city. The presence of the Dragons, what the Alliance army is called by the locals, in more rural areas usually points to trouble. Either something bad is happening, the Dragon's think themselves above reproach and cause the trouble themselves.   The Alliance does not have direct control over all participating nations. Instead, it lets the nations govern separately, and only intervenes when requested, or during matters of utmost importance. The Alliance also lends guards to the nations for better protection, or for when the nation lacks the necessary amount to keep an area safe. The Alliance is also a sort of peace treaty. While in the Alliance the nations may not declare war against each other, for fear of losing their position in the Alliance.   The alliance was formed many years after the Battle of Dragon's Rest, once Dewfall had grown into a substantial power and had witnessed first hand the hardships of surviving in the new landscape. The alliance was formed in hopes of keeping the newfound good relations between the nations going, and to help rebuilt what was destroyed during the previous years. The nation north of the desert, Arithia, did not join the alliance, as it was being ruled by King [something], and he felt he had the right to rule over Atheria, and to him the Alliance was in direct contrast to that. Although he did not join, he did not try to cause more trouble, as he'd seen all the pain and suffering the people have suffered. For a time, Arithia helped the Alliance in their efforts to rebuild, but after some time passed they began mostly keeping to themselves.  

Boons of Allies

The Alliance offers many benefits to its members:
  • Aid of knight/soldiers
  • Aid of special individuals that a city might benefit from (alchemists, inventors, healers, etc)
  • Open trade
  • Open borders
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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