Shipwreck Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Shipwreck, located on the Isle of [SOME NAME], is the central trading port of the Crimson Sea. It's a cesspool of no good brigadiers, out of their lucks sailors, and those darn dirty pirates.   Shipwreck is located in an alcove off the western coast. A row of tall and small-ish islands splits the entrance to the cove, leaving multiple smaller waterways leading in and out of the port. Each waterway has large wooden and metal gates built into them to defend from any attack on the port. The gates are lined with cannons and contraptions, a great show of firepower while entering the port. Between the small islands and the port, in the middle of the cove, is another artificial island called Kingstown. It is made of a mishmash of old, broken, discarded and sunken ships all piled atop one another, creating a makeshift pirate fortress. Discarded rigging, flags, wooden bridges, and pathways wind around the wooden structure, while lanterns dot the exterior. A number of smaller docks are spattered about the perimeter, and a bridge connects this shipwreck in the middle of the bay to the main port.   The town itself is a mess of wooden planks, rope bridges, and broken ship parts. The jungle hills quickly rise from the coast, creating a simple facade compared to the giant MOUNTAINS jutting from the center of the island. The ports are large, cramped, and packed with buildings, some seemingly made entire out of discarded broken ships, street-side stalls and booths, and bloody pirates. The buildings leading from behind the ports to the jungles further on are tightly packed, shantily stacked, and with bridges, ropes, crossways and pathways winding through the maze of 3 dimensional alleyways. As the town moves away from the coast, the buildings grow more scattered and more shrouded by the vegetation. A large stone fort overlooking the city and the sea, Fort Smoke, has been built into the hillside on a cliff facing the ocean.  

The People

There is a mix of people coming and going from Shipwreck at all times. From the more native grunks and frog-folk, to the seemingly out of their element half-giant and mountain dwarves. People from both Atheria and Arithia mingle, coincide, and beat the snot out of each other here. Dwellers from the Black Rock Desert can also be found in considerable numbers.  


Spices People Trafficking Weapons Goods  


Shipwreck is overseen by Admiral --- and his First Officer ---. They have appointed Captains to oversee various parts of the city, from trades, law enforcement, crew negotiation, gate/bay control, etc. Admiral --- lives in a large house on the outskirts of town, atop a jungle hill away from the hustle and bustle of the city.  


The "law" enforcement in Shipwreck is handled by a city militia. They keep the peace in only the most basic sense, and really only when it serve's their interests.  


Lots of jobs can be found around Shipwreck, from crewmen, to shop assistants, general labor, man-at-arms, scholars, expeditionists, etc.    

Getting Around


The Docks

The Docks. You'll want to keep an eye on your coin purse.


The area around the shipwreck in the bay. You'll want to keep an eye on your coin purse. (Only the size of one of the towers in the picture below)

The Gates

The row of small islands and gates around the cove. You'll want to keep an eye on your coin purse. (Imagine gates and more bridges and stuff in the picture below)  

The Shadows

The area around/under Fort Smoke, East of the docks. You'll want to keep an eye on your coin purse.  

The Drink

The southern area of town east of the docks. You'll want to keep an eye on your coin purse.  

The Shambles

The shanty northern area east of the docks. And you'll want to keep an eye on... I'm sure you get the idea


  • Brathrym, God of the Seas
  • Lunaria, Goddess of the Moon
  • Trade Goods

  • Spices +
  • Silver -
  • Location under

    Shops and Things


    You find a tarvern or pub on just about every corner of Shipwreck, if pirates like to be one thing, it's drunk. Here are a few popular and notable ones.  

    The Slanted Shanty

    A 3 and half story, creaky, slanted, and miraculously still standing building located right off the main ports.  

    Davey Jones Footlocker

    Often just called The Footlocker. Found in The Drink, this tavern seems to have been built below sea level, or it might have just sunken overtime. There is always a constant sloshing pool of water on the floor a few inches deep, leading The Footlocker to be a favorite among the more aquatic folk around Shipwreck.  

    Brathrym's Breath

    Found in The Shambles, this place is more religious than most. Or maybe, superstitious is the word. The Gods are payed the utmost respect here, lest they be cursed by the Lord of the Sea himself.  

    Booze Place

    Aptly named, this place sells booze. Located right off The Docks, it's not the most clean or orderly establishment, and their menu is honestly a bit limited, but when you've just stumbled off a 3-month voyage and your blood-alcohol level is running desperately low, what better place to go than than the Booze Place.

    Places of Interest





    Stone Carvings


    Cult of the Mountain




    Major Historical Events

    Founding of Shipwreck

    No one's quite sure when Shipwreck was founded, or if it even was "founded" in a traditional sense. One story goes a group of pirates used this location to hide away and stow their goods after raiding ships for their booty. Word got out and a number of other pirate crews converged in an attempt to plunder it for themselves. A bloody and splinted battle took place resulting in the loss of many noble pirate lives. When one captain finally stood above the rest he went to plunder his well earned reward, only to find it wasn't anywhere to be found. The wreckage of so many pirate ships inevitability lead to more pirates wanting to plunder their booty, which lead to more fights, and more sunken ships, and more pirates. Eventually the wreckage was so great it formed a small island off the coast of the island. It was only fighting and chaos until the first Pirate King came and brought a semblance of order through fear and firepower. The wooden island became a headquarters for the Pirate King, and around it formed a settlement that started to grow.  

    First and Last Navy Occupation



    The city was raided by the Smoke Pirates. The Navy was forced back into their fort, where they defended themselves for several days as they waited for reinforcements. Smoke knew he couldn't breech the fort with his current firepower, so he patiently waited for the Navy reinforcements to arrive. He took their ships through cunning and force, and used their own firepower against them, using the Navy cannons to blast an opening into the fort! They pushed the inhabiting forces off the island and took the land back for themselves. The fort has been called Fort Smoke ever since. And the naval officer that took over the fort has been long forgotten.  

    The Great Captain Agreement

    Shipwreck's ownership was passed from captain to captain just as fast as one person could kill another. The only thing required to claim yourself ruler was force. This clearly caused many issues, from the constant rebuilding from attack after attack, to the instability of the port's ability to trade on a given day. There was nothing that could be done about it, at least not until the Rise of . A number of Great Pirate Captains came together and agreed, somehow, to keep the port a neutral zone. Power would be given to the people, the solid residents of the port, they would simple protect and use it (for a hefty discount of course). After the chaos of new leaders every few months, Shipwreck became a staple of pirate life. After the Great Pirate's had all made their exit into legend, it seemed their protection wasn't needed anymore. The port had gained so many allies from so many factions, that practically anyone attacking it would have to face the consequences of a veritable pirate armada.


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