Dragon Forged Trade Alliance Organization in Od | World Anvil
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Dragon Forged Trade Alliance

The Dragon Forged Trade Alliance, or DFTA for short, is a merchants guild that handles trade between all nations of the Dragon Forged Alliance. The guild doesn't usually deal in local trade, allowing the local trade guilds to handle that, and mainly deal with issues that arise when trading between nations, be that unreasonable price differences, tariffs, item/trade restrictions, etc. They deal with international contraband smuggling, fraud, price gouging/fixing, maintaining quality goods and consistent competitive prices throughout the Alliance.  

Public Perception

The guild is generally in good graces with most people in the Alliance. Local guilds might have some issues with them trying to meddle in their affairs or assert more power than the guilds feel they should.  

Flag Symbology

  • In the top left is the alchemical symbol for iron, to represent Guilda's large hold on mining and smithing in Northnesse.
  • The top right is a tree symbolizing Dewfall's growth and strong roots.
  • Bottom left the wheat symbolizes Riveria's large swaths of land.
  • In the bottom right, the castle represents the powerful kingdoms of the Linshore.
  • At the center is the alchemical symbol for gold, unifying all the lands of the Alliance.
  • Finally the dragon represents the Dragon Forage Alliance
  • Type
    Guild, Merchant
    Parent Organization


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