Dewfall Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Dewfall is a city-state, and the largest city in Atheria, with each district being comparable to a city in-and-of itself. It serves as the home base for the Dragon Forged Alliance.  

The Council

Certain powerful members of Dewfall make up The Council, the group that decides the fate of the city. It is made up of a number of members from dukes, security heads, and advisors. The Council is led by the Council Head, a member elected by The Council, and has always been a member of The Council itself. Elections are rare, usually only happening when the Council Head dies or becomes unfit for the job, and Council Members almost certainly vote for themselves to be the new Council Head, leading to a standstill. Members of The Council outside of the District Dukes include: Dragonborn guy, Head of Security, Elf Advisor


Dewfall is comprised of a number of districts, each ruled over by a member of the Dewfall Council, and each comparable to a city in-and-of itself.


Duchess: Halfling


Duke: Hill Dwarf


Duke: Mountain Dwarf
The Industrial District is responsible for all the cities production. It has a direct connection to the mines of Northnesse through the river.


Duke: Firbolg


Duke: Half-Orc

High Residential

Duchess: Half-Elf

Castle Town

Duke: The Castle Town has no duke or duchess, but is instead lead by The Council. It is also closely looked after by the HEAD OF SECURITY

Military Academy

Duke: The Silver Dragon




Dewfall was founded after the Battle of Dragon's Rest at the beginning of the 4th Age. It has since become a symbol of hope and prosperity for the people of Atheria.

Seven Day Siege

After Dewfall's founding, it had to endure a siege by those final forces still loyal to the dragons. This siege lasted seven days, and solidified Dewfall's and showed the people it was not going anywhere.
Founding Date
1-1-1 4E
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization